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Topsides Painting
The topsides painting on any superyacht is a very delicate job that needs to be done with the outmost perfection, attention to details and monitoring the environmental conditions.
Multimarine collaborates with renowned specialists to perform the topsides painting. Evidently, the topsides painting on any superyacht is a very delicate job and needs to be done with the outmost perfection, attention to details and monitoring the environmental conditions. Therefore, Multimarine is collaborating with specialized contractors from Europe to perform the work.
Prior to commencing the work, Multimarine is procuring the paints, and then we are erecting a scaffolding (with own materials and in-house teams) and covering it with a shrink-wrap tent to create a secluded dust-free environment.
Topsides Painting:
- Highly experienced and efficient personnel
- Top-quality paints
- Development of Methodology
- Material Procurement and Specification