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Life saving & Fire Service Station
We operate the Viking Liferaft Service Station and the Dräger service Station in Cyprus.
We operate in Cyprus several Service Station that cover the annual and five yearly inspection of LSA and FFE equipment.
Our Service Stations are fully equipped to complete the inspections for Lifesaving and Fire Fighting Appliances:
- VIKING Liferaft Annual Inspections
- Annual and 5 Yearly Inspections of Firefighting Equipment with Class Approvals from DNV, LR, ABS and RINA
- Annual and 5 Year Inspections of Lifeboats and Davits
- Inspections of Lifejackets and Immersion Suits
- Authorised Distributor and Service Station for Dräger Safety Equipment
- Supplies of consumables including COMET hand flares, parachute flares and smoke signals