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Multimarine offers the high-end quality standards in engineering services.
Multimarine offers the high-end quality standards in engineering services.
Our very experienced teams of engineers, mechanics and electricians are performing repairs and overhauling services on main engines, thrusters, generators, pumps, sea valves and many more.
Multimarine is in close collaboration with major Makers such as CAT, MTU, ABB and Wartsila.
- Main / Auxiliary Engines overhaul and repair
- Thruster Overhauling & Repairs
- Cylinder heads, pistons, cylinder liners and injection pumps repair
- Generators overhaul
- Pumps overhaul and repair
- Alternators service
- A/C system service
- Windlasses and winches overhaul and repair
- Sea and overboard valves overhaul and repair
- Anchors ranging, HP washing, painting, calibrating and reporting
- General fabrications and welding by ABS & DNV approved welders; welding applicable to all types of metal